Lose Weight Fast Without The Wait!

So, you want to lose weight? I will take it that the answer to this question is a resounding 'YES' since it is not by chance that you have landed on this page. I will also tell you that you could not have landed on a better page if what you are searching for is a tried and proven weight loss solution program. But let's cut the hype, burn the fat and get into the meat of the matter! Of course, if you are somewhat overcome by curiosity then
roll your mouse over any of the weight loss banners on the left side bar below and forget about my banter!

One of the gravest problems, facing the human population over the years, is that of weight loss and dieting. It has attracted more programs, more literature and more exercise formulas than any other single topic in the history of mankind.
Until the advent of the twentieth century, almost everyone trying to lose fat tend to do so by going on a starving weight loss diet. Fact is that more often than not, these diets did not yield the expected results or the discipline required to maintain the accompanying exercise regimes was just not there. Result-futility and a return to the original diet! Then science stepped in, as it should, and as it has done throughout the history of mankind for the benefit of his development.

By the early twentieth century research in science started yielding interesting facts about the body's metabolism and the effects of specific foods on the body, as well as, why some rigid exercise regimes really do nothing about getting rid of weight. Since then there has been a plethora of scientific researches done in this area. So now we have a wealth of knowledge about how to get rid of weight fast without sweating in the gym, without taking 'fat burner' pills that don't work, without useless abs or belt gadgets and without long, boring cardiac workouts.

This blog is designed to provide you with weight loss solution programs that work and work within a reasonable time span, hence the title: 'Lose weight in a wink'

For further information on some hidden diet truths

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The evil of sugar

I have a confession to make. I am male, five six inches tall, and of African descent. Up to 2009 I was weighing 175 pounds and beset by hypertension. This 175 pounds was way beyond my weight for age ratio. O.K I did not tell you my age then; I was 55 years old. So, what's my story?

I was being treated for my hypertension and had to do annual medicals. When I did my medical for 2009 my doctor indicated that my blood sugar reading was approaching an abnormal level, though not yet there, and that I should take precautions to have this checked. She gave me a diet sheet and warned that I should watch all so-called natural juices, because in fact, sugar was added to all of them. Well, like a little child instructed by his mother I followed the instructions to the 'T'.

 The result was fascinating. I not only lost 25 pounds in about a month-(I moved from 175 to 150 pounds), but my blood pressure also stabilized and did so without the one in 24 hour tablet that I had to take. Mind you, I did not lift a weight, I did not do any extended walking and I was in sedentary type occupation.

All the sugar I consumed came from fruits or natural juices that I made from the fruits, and I added no sugar.
I also avoided heavy fat products, but the other most significant factor is that I allowed my digestive system to do its work and produced glucose from the breaking down process of root and stem storage staples such as yam or potato. In short, I avoided processed foods like polished rice and sweetened baked products. Of course, I ate lean meat and fish and vegetables without weight watching, and the occasional ice cream was indulged, but in essence I avoided sugar and sugar processed foods constantly.

Amazingly, I am now able to increase my eating, indulge a little cake and ice cream every now and then and every time I hit that scale it still says 150 pounds. Actually at one point I was about 148 pounds and my wife thought that I was getting a bit skinny! So, welcome to losing weight without the wait! For further information on our unique weight loss products please visit our website or:
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