Lose Weight Fast Without The Wait!

So, you want to lose weight? I will take it that the answer to this question is a resounding 'YES' since it is not by chance that you have landed on this page. I will also tell you that you could not have landed on a better page if what you are searching for is a tried and proven weight loss solution program. But let's cut the hype, burn the fat and get into the meat of the matter! Of course, if you are somewhat overcome by curiosity then
roll your mouse over any of the weight loss banners on the left side bar below and forget about my banter!

One of the gravest problems, facing the human population over the years, is that of weight loss and dieting. It has attracted more programs, more literature and more exercise formulas than any other single topic in the history of mankind.
Until the advent of the twentieth century, almost everyone trying to lose fat tend to do so by going on a starving weight loss diet. Fact is that more often than not, these diets did not yield the expected results or the discipline required to maintain the accompanying exercise regimes was just not there. Result-futility and a return to the original diet! Then science stepped in, as it should, and as it has done throughout the history of mankind for the benefit of his development.

By the early twentieth century research in science started yielding interesting facts about the body's metabolism and the effects of specific foods on the body, as well as, why some rigid exercise regimes really do nothing about getting rid of weight. Since then there has been a plethora of scientific researches done in this area. So now we have a wealth of knowledge about how to get rid of weight fast without sweating in the gym, without taking 'fat burner' pills that don't work, without useless abs or belt gadgets and without long, boring cardiac workouts.

This blog is designed to provide you with weight loss solution programs that work and work within a reasonable time span, hence the title: 'Lose weight in a wink'

For further information on some hidden diet truths

Thursday, June 7, 2012

It's so darned easy to lose weight

It is not without reason why I have named this blog 'Lose weight in a wink'. While it may sound like a sensational title, there is at least some wink of truth in it. (pun intended.)
 In an age where the human animal has tried just about every conceivable method of weight loss and have designed programs and products by the hundreds, it seems inconceivable to assume that losing weight can be easy after all! I know, I know, I can just imagine the responses: another dumb article. He doesn't know what he is talking about. I have been trying to lose weight all this time but I can't, how can it be easy!

O.k. I know that you are dying to hear how easy it is and I'll tell you now. THE GREATEST THING ABOUT LOSING WEIGHT IS YOUR MINDSET!!!

I can hear you: now I know he is crazy!. You see if you have not subconsciously decided to lose the weight, no conceivable program or diet will make you lose it. You cannot just want to lose it. You should be conditioned to lose it. What do I mean? No matter what you tell yourself on the conscious level your mindset or programming that you carry from your childhood or from your life experiences will be what influence your current reality. The question then becomes on the subconscious level: DO I REALLY WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT?  This is not to say that some kind of program or diet will not be needed, but these will be the secondary factors.

In order to create the correct mindset you attempt to determine the negative issues that are holding you back. They may be issues that you might not be aware of, such as, if someone close to you like your mom, dad or teacher commented negatively on your thinness at some point in your growing up. So, how does one discover and treat these hidden factors. You can do so through Tapping on weight loss issues and through meditation around weight loss issues. If you are new to these you can check them out at the links highlighted.

Having done all the necessary mind work, I have found that one of the simplest way of losing weight without lifting a straw is to cut your carbohydrates, especially if you are a sedentary type individual. Avoid sugars in particular. Increase your protein and simply have water instead of sugar blended drinks with your meals. Trust me on this one,I lost 25 pounds in less than two months, moving from 175 llbs to 150 llbs, more in line with my 5ft. 6ins. small frame. Of cousre I socialize and drink beers and other alcoholic beverages, and, trust me, I have kept off the 'belly fat' and I have maintained this weight.( I am middle aged.).  Great you say, it works for you!

Yes, it can work for you too but, do you really want to lose weight????  For further information on health and fitness products please visit our website or:
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